Tuesday 30 December 2014

Welcome Back!

I remember when I started this blog a year ago and thought I would become just like 'Steve Booker' or 'Zoella' two of my favourite bloggers but then I started slacking and not producing good enough post to be published then I got very much into my YouTube channel.

I stopped blogging because I forgot and I was lazy and because I lost passion. but I would like to welcome you back to my blog! I know I have missed out on a whole years worth of blogging and keeping up to date with blogs but I'm back now and here to stay (no promise).

What I hope to do with this blog

1. write better quality content
2. take better quality pictures
3. but my heart into it
4. stay steady and regular with uploads
5. try my best!

these are my goals that I hope I can keep up with, and I still aspire to be like Steve Booker and Zoella and I would like for you to join my journey too.

Rowan ;)

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