Friday 13 February 2015


I have recently been introduced to the acronym 'FOMO' if stands for Fear Of Missing Out and its something many of us suffer with.
As a generation we are constantly wanting more from life and wanting to do something, so when we see our friends at events or parties we long to be there because we don't want to miss the memories that could be made.
I admit I suffer from FOMO a lot but then I realised I have my own life and my life is going to be different than others because I am an individual. I may be sitting at home while other people are doing 'exciting' things but to me this is exciting, sitting here writing this and who knows I could have something fun happen in five minutes or five days you just never know.
I think the point of my writing this is to just write something I have the urge to write and I think this is a pressing matter that has to be dealt with.

So next time your  scrolling through Instagram or looking through Snapchat stories and you feel some FOMO coming on, STOP and do something, read a book, educate yourself on nano-science, re-write the entire works of William Shakespeare, anything that will get you out of that FOMO mood!

Rowan :)

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