Sunday 29 December 2013

New Year

I know i have only recently started my blog but i wanted to say thank you to all that follow my nonsense. 2013 for me was a great year besides one poop period and i hope it was the same for you (without the poop). I look at 2014 with great expectations with ; Babies, GCSEs, more Youtube and more Blogging the year looks great! 
I might start blogging more frequently in the new year and my Youtube with be more entertaining and slightly better quality as i got a new camera for Christmas... yay! I hope to gain more followers and become better with the whole "blog thing" and i will try to make this more interesting.
My Brother's girlfriend, in the middle of writing this gave me a late Christmas present of Topman body set (smellies) so i will be smelling good too in 2014... i will speak to you in the new year and i hope you enjoyed this little post have a good year !

if you would like to see what i get up to then follow me on Instagram

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