Wednesday 28 January 2015

Spring/ Summer 2015 Haute Couture CHANEL Collection

I did not actually attend the show for the new Chanel Couture line but I did watch the show on Chanel's YouTube channel. The audience was filled with socialites and press and also 'Vogue' Editor in-chief Anna Wintour.

one of my favourite models walked the elegant garden themed  runway Kendall Jenner, now I like Kendall for Keeping up with the Kardashians, but I also Love Kendall for her modelling career that she has worked on herself (with her mum of course) but she has her own life away from the reality show. she is sporting a sheer, black, cropped blouse with gold buttons and a partly sheer appliqued, full, mid length skirt. the skirt is decorated with flowers of orange, white and coral.

 I did Enjoy the Collection a lot, every collection Karl Largerfeld seems to infuse the modern with the classic by revamping and reinventing the famous Chanel Jacket. giving it a new lease of life. this season he has given it fringing, extended its length and also included new patterns to such a classic garment that what ever incarnation it is screams elegance.

another theme I saw throughout the show was the reintroduction of the mid length shirt nearly all of the skirts showcased ended just over the knee or half way down the shin. I like this look it gives a certain vintage vibe to the collection but the only query i had was that when the models walked the tighter skirts from the suits rose up almost past the knee which to me just defeats the purpose of a mid length skirt, as it is only visibly mid length when you are still. Now I know this it Couture fashion but this is just common scenes!
My only other 'complaint' I that the collection was very stiff. all the garment were beautiful but the majority had no movement in them at all, Coco Chanel created the Chanel Suit in the 1950's to break away from corsets and full skirts so that women could move freely and feel comfortable in there clothes but at the same time present elegance. I wasn't getting this from the new suits they just seemed too rigid.

I hope one day i will attended a Chanel Couture show to see these wonderful creations in real life but for now videos and pictures will do.

Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening. - Coco Chanel

Sunday 18 January 2015

No Glory In The Process

No Glory In The Process... to me this means there is no happiness or 'glory' in saying your going to do something when you should just do it!

Lately I have become really uninspired to do anything...
I'm continuously late with uploading my YouTube content, I haven't really been uploading on this much. I also do barley anything productive during the day and my school work is becoming pointless because its quality just isn't good enough and I admit that!

its concerning me how lazy I have become and I need inspiration to get my head back into gear! I watched Tyler Oakley's video titled 'No Glory In The Process' and this has become my motivational motto. I write it in the margin of all of my school books and I'm making a sign with the quote on it that will be going on my wall to remind me to do the best with my day.

if you have any inspirational quotes or videos you know of Link or Comment them bellow !


Tuesday 13 January 2015

Of Mice and Men

I am currently sitting in an English class (I shouldn't be writing this on my phone) but we are discussing the novella "Of Mice and Men" which is apart of the English cericulum for years since my mum was at school and she's 50 this year! 

We're discussing the characters and who we like and dislike so far, I won't give anything away but I like curly's wife because she reminds me of a few people that I know in real life and I love it when books and films do this because you connect with the character more because you feel like you know them. 

I felt the same way with "Girl Online" penny's looks reminded my of someone and her personality reminded me of another. However I also enjoy meeting a new character and imagining them and what they would be like if I met them.

Do you feel the same ?
What character in a book or film or tv show do you feel like you know as if you were born best friends? Mine has to be Penny from "Girl Online" as I know many people like her! 

Well il see you next time 
Rowan ;)


Saturday 10 January 2015

Reinvent Your Space!

People are always saying to reinvent yourself... but what about after you've done with yourself, what do you do then?
what about reinventing your space, whatever your space may be I think it deserves a revamp! weather it be a new lick of paint or just a move around of furniture do something different that matches your own new look.

Blogs I recommend for inspiration!

These blogs and my own ideas have inspired me to give my Bedroom a new lease of life. I am slowly but surly getting my room the way I want the same way I'm slowly changing my style but integrate  new pieces into my wardrobe and growing my hair. Every time I see something that fits into my room aspiration I get it so then i'm not buying things all at once and I can then have more of a variety. Just today I went bought a wooden wall art/picture that I will insert here...

and I'm collecting more and more but I am also going to re use and recycle the furniture I already have in my Bedroom so that fit in with my room when its complete.

good luck with all your room revamps!

Rowan ;)

Old Room Tour Video :

Tuesday 6 January 2015

Pointless School Rules

I am not one to stray too far from rules unless I see them as pointless or if they restrict us in a time of growth when we are finding ourselfs and realising who we are! 

These are 5 rules that my school have that I think are growth restricting;
1. No nail polish.
2. No dying hair non natural colours.
3. Not being able to customise your uniform.
4. Having to wear a black coat.
5. Teachers have to do non of the above 

I was told to take my nail polish off half an hour before the day ended and I refused saying I would take it off that night and It wouldn't be there the next day but school rules said I had to take it off so sorry I couldn't do a post on my nails whiched I planned on doing because I had to remove them before I had a chance to take decent pictures. 

I'd like to hear your views on this, comment below what do you think!?

Rowan ;)