Tuesday 6 January 2015

Pointless School Rules

I am not one to stray too far from rules unless I see them as pointless or if they restrict us in a time of growth when we are finding ourselfs and realising who we are! 

These are 5 rules that my school have that I think are growth restricting;
1. No nail polish.
2. No dying hair non natural colours.
3. Not being able to customise your uniform.
4. Having to wear a black coat.
5. Teachers have to do non of the above 

I was told to take my nail polish off half an hour before the day ended and I refused saying I would take it off that night and It wouldn't be there the next day but school rules said I had to take it off so sorry I couldn't do a post on my nails whiched I planned on doing because I had to remove them before I had a chance to take decent pictures. 

I'd like to hear your views on this, comment below what do you think!?

Rowan ;)

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