Tuesday 13 January 2015

Of Mice and Men

I am currently sitting in an English class (I shouldn't be writing this on my phone) but we are discussing the novella "Of Mice and Men" which is apart of the English cericulum for years since my mum was at school and she's 50 this year! 

We're discussing the characters and who we like and dislike so far, I won't give anything away but I like curly's wife because she reminds me of a few people that I know in real life and I love it when books and films do this because you connect with the character more because you feel like you know them. 

I felt the same way with "Girl Online" penny's looks reminded my of someone and her personality reminded me of another. However I also enjoy meeting a new character and imagining them and what they would be like if I met them.

Do you feel the same ?
What character in a book or film or tv show do you feel like you know as if you were born best friends? Mine has to be Penny from "Girl Online" as I know many people like her! 

Well il see you next time 
Rowan ;)


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