Sunday 18 January 2015

No Glory In The Process

No Glory In The Process... to me this means there is no happiness or 'glory' in saying your going to do something when you should just do it!

Lately I have become really uninspired to do anything...
I'm continuously late with uploading my YouTube content, I haven't really been uploading on this much. I also do barley anything productive during the day and my school work is becoming pointless because its quality just isn't good enough and I admit that!

its concerning me how lazy I have become and I need inspiration to get my head back into gear! I watched Tyler Oakley's video titled 'No Glory In The Process' and this has become my motivational motto. I write it in the margin of all of my school books and I'm making a sign with the quote on it that will be going on my wall to remind me to do the best with my day.

if you have any inspirational quotes or videos you know of Link or Comment them bellow !


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